Saturday, March 31, 2012

And back!

My previous post was all agony. Therein I was so lost- I forgot to mention the one significant thing that did happen after all. I had been reading The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and had finished already at the time of my previous post. The book was an experience in a new way. I had earlier read Dickens “David Copperfield”; and I was expecting some familiarity in style- distinctive to each writer. Those I did- the vivid imagery depicting love, poverty, apathy and anger. But what was new was a whole matured style of putting things around.

The story itself was not much, but it’s the manner which was intriguing. Looking forward to start a new book by the same author- Bleak House.

Something now on the other front but on the same topic: books!

I have never been much fan of fantasy as a genre. The fantasy part has never fascinated me. What does and more than piques my interest is the mannerisms and the customs. And I refer to the battles, the sword fights, spears, the horse chases, the bowmen and I could go on and on. The slow gentle pace with which the story unfolds and then accelerates on the battle field. The sole reason why I literally worship and would pick Lord of the Rings over the Harry Potter series.

So why these fantasy talks? Because I found a new entry to my list; and it didn’t even start with a book! But, the other way around which is quite unusual- as my custom is to read the book first and then switch over to the movies. I am referring to the Game of Thrones TV series which is based on George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire books. The series is based on 7 books, out of which only 5 have been released. Season One is based on the first book and consists of ten episodes.

It’s literally a mind blowing series, the actors are well cast and each plays their part to perfection. There’s however a lot of nudity and sexual violence which is quite unnecessary for most parts of the series. But oh what the heck, I love this series! And what luck- Season Two is only 2 days away!

Speaking of TV series; I am a huge fan of The Big Bang Theory. The Director- Chuck Lorre publishes a Vanity Card at the end of each episode. The contents of this one today is worth a share:


Ps: to those concerned, my allergy is now at bay- which means “The happy days are here again….”

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